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I have a God who has never failed, neither has He been defeated. He has never lost any battle, as He remains the only eternal champion. He was never elected but chose the elect (Ephesians 1:4-5). When He goes into battle, He delivers victory at all times, because none can contend with Him. His medals of victory are infinite, with His enemies gnashing their teeth in the pit. Heaven and earth cannot contain Him (1 Kings 8:27),and His voice is like the noise of many waters (Ezekiel 43:2). He sits on a throne, with all the hosts of heaven standing by Him on His right and left (1 Kings 22:19)and He uses the earth as His foot stool Isaiah 66:1). His garment is as white as snow, and His eyes like a flame of fire (Revelation 19:12). 

God is so powerful that He has the heart of kings in His hands ( Proverb 21:1)and He does as He likes with no one qualified to counsel Him. The light from His throne shineth in darkness, and darkness comprehended it not (John 1:5)Men call Him a warrior, because He is a God of war, who is ever ready to defeat the kingdom of darkness, and set the lawful captives of the mighty free (Isaiah 49:25)The Lord's weapons are not carnal, for He girds His loins with truth, and puts on a breast plate of righteousness (Ephesians 6:14)His hand is strong with a mighty arm, and high is His right hand (Psalm 89:13)Above all, in His hands, He holds the shield of faith, and the sword of the spirit (word of God), upon His head is the helmet of salvation (Ephesians 6:16-17). 

His glory, He cannot give to anotherIsaiah 42:8), and as a result, He has on His vesture and on His thigh a name written KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS Revelation 19:16)The heavenly angels worship Him shouting "Hallelujah!!!"and men humble themselves in prayer shouting "Hosanna in the Highest!!!". He is the God of all languages, and He has His name in all languages. He is the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the ending (Revelation 22:13)The Lion of the tribe of Judah (Revelation 5:5) as He is popularly called, for who can hide from His presence, when His eyes run to and fro through the whole earth 
(2 Chronicles 16:9).

His achievements in battle till date, cannot be exhaustively documented, because no one knows His beginning nor His end.


God is still fighting for His children till date and He says unto them " Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest"This is the promise of God for all those that seek Him. The evidence of life is an indication that God is still doing something about your situation. All power belongs to Him 1 Peter 5:11-13), and there is no challenge too hard for Him to solve, and your's is definitely not the worse case scenario that He has handled, but He is asking us to trust in Him with all our hearts, and not lean on our own understanding Proverb 3:5-6)Faith is the currency of heaven, and if only your faith can be as little as a mustard seed, then you can say to that mountain, "Move from here to there" and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you Mathew 17:20)The hand of the Lord is not shortened that it cannot save, neither is His ear heavy that it cannot hear, but our iniquities have separated us from our God, and our sins have hid His face from us, that He will not hear us Isaiah 59:1-2)The Lord wants to help us and at the same time wants us to help Him by staying away from sin, because sin is the mountain that cuts off our heavenly supply.

However, I say to you, be of good cheer (John 16:33), because God is fighting for you and your family. He has never been defeated and would not be defeated in your situation. He has done it before and He will do it again, for your case will not be an exception.

God bless you, and I know one thing for sure, that everything is working out for your good in Jesus name, amen.



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