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Life is a battle ground, and we are all soldiers on the field. It presents no option for exceptions, as every living soul is compelled to face the battle by reason of birth into this world. The bible in the book of Mathew 11:12 makes us to understand that, from the days of John the Baptist until now that the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence and the violent take it by force. This is the battle for eternity which is no respecter of social class, educational background, nationality, gender, as all have been condemned to this battle by reason of the fall of man as recorded in the book of Genesis 3:1-24. This war unlike other conventional battles, have proven to be more dangerous because it is a war for the souls of men. The battlefield is filled with ravaging, fierce and sadistic enemies with unconventional weaponry with the sole resolve of bringing the souls of men to eternal ruin and damnation.

The greatest asset of a man is not his fancy car, mansion or several chains of worldly accomplishments but his soul, no wander the bible in the book of mark 8:36 says “ for what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”. In this battle, ignorance is not permitted because it can be likened to a vicious grave with an outstretched arm waiting patiently to deliver an invite to the blind. The soul of man is his greatest asset and also the most desired by the devil and his agents.

The battle for eternity is a raging battle between the sons of men and the kingdom of darkness. Unlike other conventional wars, in this battle, carnality has no place, and the use of conventional weaponry leads to futility(2 Corinthians 10:4). The bible in the book of proverb 4:23 advises us to guide our hearts with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life, no wander the devil chose this location as his best spot for attack. The devil has taken the battle to the hearts of men with the sole aim of controlling men like  robots destined for destruction. Ironically, many soldiers have accepted the sweet wine of death from Satan thinking it is a call for peace. He has succeeded in polluting the hearts of many with his free gifts and wine of death leaving many soldiers drunk in a perpetual state of highness and delusion. As a result of this, many are losing the battle against Satan with hell heavily populated. In the world today, ignorance is exalted like a king while wisdom is banished from the land. How long will people of this generation continue to live in ignorance?, how long will the soldiers of this world continue to allow themselves to be controlled by the devil.

The world right now have found a way to conform to the doctrines of the devil and they call it “normal “ to the detriment of their soul. Today we see men and women with no respect for God their maker, who prefer to follow the broad way. The devil controls over 95% of the electronic and social media through which he preaches his lies and deceit through his agents. Today we see a world where morality has been slain by the sword and satanic individuals been celebrated. We spend time trying to look like them and memorize their messages through their songs. Our children even as young as 2 years old have their brains filled with their rhymes and dance moves, with little or no knowledge about the world of God. The temple of God is been defiled by gay priest and their associates (genesis 5:2), and they comfortably defend themselves hiding under the umbrella of human rights.

Heaven weeps bitterly for man because he has forgotten that he is in a battle for his soul, but for the wise they keep pushing forward until they get their crown. The coming of our Lord Jesus Christ to many is like a fairy tale, while some others are totally oblivious about His coming. He is going to shock the world as He will come like a thief in the night(1 Thessalonians 5:2) to take His bride home(John 14:1-5). Jesus Christ is real, Heaven is real and so also is Hell. Do not be deceived my fellow soldiers in battle for Jesus Christ is coming soon. We are actually living in the last moments of the last day. In this battle, there are only two categories of people who are either survivors or casualties, and also two destinations for these two categories which is either Heaven or Hell.

Finally , i would like to assure you my fellow soldiers in battle, that there is hope for the steadfast through our Lord Jesus Christ. He is the only way, the truth and the life and no man cometh unto the Father except through Him(John 14:6). The implication of this statement is that you as a soldier cannot lay claim to the Father(GOD) without going through the son(JESUS CHRIST), and cannot  claim to serve God without surrendering your life to Jesus Christ. He( JESUS CHRIST) is the only assurance we have for us to win this battle(Psalm 121:1-8). The truth is that no soldier will survive or see the kingdom of Heaven without surrendering his life to Jesus Christ.



  1. This is a great article. A soildier remains worthless until He has a definite authority backing him. If he doesn't have a superior source, he will remain beaten and battered. Reason we must be enlisted by God, because only Him assures us of unequivocal victory. Roms 8:31
    Thank you for pointing this out, many still don't know the world is a warfare.

  2. This is very expository my brother. life indeed Is a warfare not a funfare. May God give us the grace to finish well and may enjoy heaven at last

  3. We all need to be reminded that we are not just in the last days, but the last moments of the last days. Jesus Christ is coming soon, but sadly enough, the world is carried away. People don't even talk about rapture, churches don't preach about this. There is generally no consciousness of the coming of our Lord, most are more interested in miracles, "fall down and die" prayers, and acquiring wealth... God help this generation.

  4. The devil is doing so much to reduce the consciousness of the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ amongst the soldiers,thereby giving children of the world a false hope that they have all the time in the world.

  5. Nice piece. The big question is WHAT SHOULD WE DO? I guess you'll have that detailed in the sequel to this right?

  6. you raised a very important question Dr Bishop. what we should do is very simple, and it rest on our shoulders because God has given us that freewill to choose between life and death. many in the world today do not know who they are, because thier identities have been stolen.The first thing we should do is to identify who we are and this would bring us to the reality of our purpose and the need to accomplish that purpose. secondly we must be genuinely born again and our lives should a reflection of our commander-in-chief(Jesus Christ).Thirdly we must study the word and must strive to get wisdom. fourthly we must have deep knowledge about things of the spirit and also identify our common enemy(satan)and his antics through the word of God.Lastly we must show commitment and determination to win the war and claim our price in Heaven.These are to mention but a few, but subsequently i will go into more details.

  7. Very good write up.. Thanks

  8. Good write up brother. I view more

  9. I encourage you to do more in the lord vineyards.

    1. GOD bless you, may the God almighty give us all the grace to be useful in His vineyard.


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