In recent times, many are continually attempting to place a stunch distinction and comparism with respect to the Word, the incarnate and the ressurected Christ by placing priority on one above the others or completely berating the Word and the Incarnate Christ as non signficant. In a recent sermon by a popular preacher he stated before his congregation that the Incarnate Christ was useless to him, while others have stated clearly that it is either the ressurected Christ or nothing, as the Word and the Incarnate Christ had no benefit to their new birth experience, hence they should not be amplified in the new creation realities. The Word, the incarnate and the ressurected Christ are one and the same person, without a deminished form of status or identity as God, but depicted by scriptures to explain to men, God's role in the creation of the world, as well as His role in the redemption of mankind without the ambiguity of creating three different personalities out of one, or placing ...
.....Revealing Jesus Christ to the world.